We are delighted to announce that we have been awarded our 1st Amber Flag!

The Pieta Amber Flag Initiative recognises the individual efforts of primary schools and other organisations to create healthy, inclusive environments that support mental well-being with the aim of working together toward a happier, healthier Ireland and eradicating the stigmas associated with mental health issues.
We were delighted with the feedback received from the Pieta Amber Flag Team -“Your Amber Flag Committee has shown great commitment in promoting positive mental health by encouraging teamwork and contributions from peers.”

Congratulations to the whole school community including Student and Adult members of the HP & Wellbeing Committees.


Halloween Dress Up

As part of our Amber Flag Initiative, on October 22nd a Halloween Dress Up took place in aid of Pieta House. Everyone went to great efforts with their costumes and we raised some very welcome funds for such a valuable charity! A grand total of €399.18 was raised and will be used to support others with their mental well-being. A big thank you to all who took part and to everyone for supporting the cause so generously.