Our Green School Committee is comprised of two students from each class in our school and teachers.
We elect a new committee every two years to work on our Green Flag.
We are currently working towards our 10th Green School Flag. Our current theme is
Global Citizenship Food and Biodiversity.
We work closely with our community and have formed links with Mallow tidy towns, Mallow Men’s shed and
Just Some of the Activities we have completed in the last few years are:
  • Planting Crocus’ in the Grounds of Mallow Castle
  • A Spring Clean by the river walk in Mallow
  • A Speed Survey outside out school
  • Planting bulbs in the grounds of our school
  • Walk to School on Wednesday (WOW)
  • Attending the awards ceremony in Cork
  • Planting trees as part of National tree week in conjunction with other school in our Community