
Maths Trail
The Arbutus Class (5th class) completed a Maths Trail around the grounds of our school. It was a really fun way to use our Maths skills while investigating and exploring our school environment.
Chance and Symmetry
The Hawthorn Class(3rd class) were learning about ‘Chance’ in Maths  and really enjoyed playing card games which helped their understanding of the topic. There were some very competitive games with lots of fun and laughter in between!
The Hawthorn class (3rd) have also been learning all about symmetry. They really enjoyed this mornings activity when they swapped the books for paint and paper. Here are some pictures of them creating symmetrical pieces of art.

Maths Week 2021

Pupils  participated in Maths activities to celebrate Maths Week 2021 in the week before and after the Halloween midterm break.

Activities included  Mathletics, Maths Seeds, loop games, card games, dice games, chess, going on maths trails, playing maths games and tables games, writing number news and looking at how we use maths every day (developing ‘Maths Eyes.’)

There are lots of ideas for maths activities at particularly in the parents section at as well as on our school’s own maths padlet below.

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