Interpreting Standarised Tests Results

Interpreting Your Daughters Standardised Test Results:

  • Standardised Tests in English Reading and Maths measure your child’s achievement compared to other
    children in all schools at the same class or age level.
  • The two documents attached below should give parents and guardians a comprehensive synopsis on how to interpret your daughters test results.
  • Children’s Standardised Test scores are shared as a Sten Score on your daughters report card at the end of the school year in Convent Primary School.
  • Table 1 on the document labelled ‘Interpreting Teacher Judgements’ provides an overview of the concepts associated with Standardised Test scores.
  • Table 2 on the document labelled ‘Interpreting Teacher Judgements’ supports the comparison of Sten Scores and Standard Scores with the national average.

We hope these two documents provide you with a good guide and understanding to standardised testing.

Downloadable File: understanding-standardscores_eng

Downloadable File: interpreting_teacher_judgements_reportcards_english