Scoil an Chlochair
Convent Primary School
School Self Evaluation
Wellbeing Promotion Review and Development Cycle 2022-2025
- Target: Opportunities are provided for children, staff and parents to have an active voice in decisions relating to school improvement.
- FUSE Antibullying Programme to be trialed and evaluated by 4th-6th classes.
- Listening Ear box created and placed in staffroom
- Review of school Code of Behaviour by staff, parents and BOM.
- Listening Ear boxes for pupils created and distributed to all classes
- Review of school Code of Behaviour by pupils, staff, parents and BOM.
- Rejuvenation of our Parents Association
- Reinstate and create further opportunities for parents to attend and become active participants in our school community
- Review of school Code of Behaviour by parents, staff, students and BOM.
- Target: The indoor space displays talents and accomplishments of children.
Staff & Pupils
- Brighten up/ make more child centered the Entry Points in our School (Main Office and Door E to Bathview Yard)
- Target: The school demonstrates commitment to providing targeted support for children experiencing barriers and challenges to wellbeing.
Staff & Pupils
- Use of Boxhall Profiles to assess targeted children’s social, emotional and behavioural development
- Explore extending Nurture group to senior end
- Formation of interest groups (such as baking/ crafting) to foster attachment and enhance relationships
Staff, pupils & parents
- Successes communicated and shared with home