Dear parent(s)/ guardian(s),
Shared with our values at the Convent Primary School, the Department of Education and Science (DES) believe that looking after the wellbeing of our children is really important in helping them to be happy in their lives and to reach their full potential.
The Department is piloting providing additional wellbeing supports in a number of primary schools and our school is part of this pilot.
An Education Wellbeing Practitioner working with the National Educational Psychological Service (NEPS) in the Department will commence supporting our school after Easter and will run the ‘FRIENDS for Life’ programme with 1st and 3rd classes, train teachers to subsequently run the programme, support the delivery of a wellbeing programme in the Senior classes as well as providing further training and additional supports to our school staff.
We are delighted to be selected as a pilot school and will share further information over the coming weeks and months.
Warm regards,
Aoife Barry,
Wellbeing Coordinator